World No Tobacco Week
Every year the department of Public Health Dentistry celebrates “No tobacco week” on the last week of may. It is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).
A 3 day program was scheduled for 2019. First day (28.5.2019), the employees of YSI PVT LTD underwent a free oral cancer screening and were given group counselling on the harmful effects of using tobacco. Second day program was scheduled on 30.5.19, a team of doctors from Saveetha Dental College had gone for dental screening and raising awareness for the health consequences of tobacco for the transgender community. Awareness was raised using posters and videos. The crowd was inquisitive and attentive throughout the presentation.
On 31st of May, 2019, the program was celebrated in various public sectors. Five postgraduate students and fifty under graduates participated in a human chain formation at Elliot’s beach, Besant Nagar, in association with Indian Dental Association (Chennai branch) and Adyar Cancer Institute. It consisted of around 500 volunteers joining hands together to spread the awareness on tobacco. We had organised an awareness program during the functioning hours of the college, inside the premises too. The patients visiting the college were given one anti tobacco counselling. Pamphlets were distributed to the patients emphasizing on quitting the habit. Posters demonstrating how tobacco affects our health were explained to the patients.