Launching New Online Course - MSc Epidemiology

The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, proudly launches a Postgraduate online program in Msc Epidemiology, a two year course on an interactive online platform. An undergraduate degree in any speciality under health sciences will make you eligible to enrol in this program.

Course Objectives & Outcome:

  1. Expertise in principles of epidemiology & Biostatistics

  2. Explore disease patterns of public health importance

  3. Expertise in health management protocols

  4. Evaluate health services

  5. Plan and Implement methods of disease prevention and control

  6. Plan and conduct Research projects in Epidemiology

India Smiles Campaign 2014 - A Mile stone Reached

On November 27th 2014 Saveetha Dental College a constituent college of Saveetha University held the India Smile 2014, a Dental awareness camp in association with Times if India group.This was an initiative of boosting community service among the student fraternity,even though it is part of their curriculam. This Dental camp was also to instill a Service-Learning component. In the Service component- the student spends time in assessing the felt need of the community and in the Learning component- they will integrate learning into their service.

Saveetha Dental College is working tirelessly towards developing and executing initiatives that have spread the importance of good oral health and hygiene to the public. As an institution which holds responsibility towards public health, Saveetha dental college remains committed in bringing oral care awareness to the people through dental screening/ treatment and dental health education programs and  have conducted over 600 dental screening camps and screened over one lakh population

         A beautiful smile can make a great impression and the importance of a healthy teeth cannot be underscored for this. Unfortunately the level of awareness about oral hygiene among children in India is quite dismal. Dental problems in children including tooth decay and cavities are very common and are often caused by lack of oral hygiene and improper knowledge of dental care.

The percentage of patients who have access to dental services are very low in India, when compared to other countries. Reports from various studies show that the patients visit the dentist only, when they experience pain and no follow-up is done in most of the cases. Although there have been impressive advances in both dental technology and scientific understanding of oral diseases. Significant disparities remain in both the rates of dental diseases and access to dental care among subgroups of population.


         Therefore it is imperative to teach children the importance of proper oral care at a young age so that they enjoy a healthy smile lifelong and this  can be achieved only if the younger generation works towards the goal of creating an India free of dental problems.

         Saveetha university’s mammoth campaign - “India smiles” will go a long way in creating this awareness. The first of its kind campaign aims at creating awareness about dental health and oral hygiene among children and their parents.

         In order to achieve the above objective, dental screening camps were organized in schools across IndiaThe camp materialized due to the team effort of all the faculty, students and alumni of our institution. Initially the target was fixed to screen 1,00,000 school children across the country. Assuming a possible attrition in screening of estimated school children due to various reasons, the target had been revised to 1,30,000. 

A lakh and thirty thousand disposable mouth mirror and probes were purchased for screening dental diseases. All armamentarium required for screening was provided. Schoolchildren were screened for dental problems in a single day at 77 centres across the country, at various centres ie  Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Madurai including Chennai, A team of 256 doctors, 566 dental students and 300 volunteers pulled off the extensive screening, to create awareness about oral health among schoolchildren.



World No Tobacco Week

Every year the department of Public Health Dentistry celebrates “No tobacco week” on the last week of may. It is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A 3 day program was scheduled for 2019. First day (28.5.2019), the employees of YSI PVT LTD underwent a free oral cancer screening and were given group counselling on the harmful effects of using tobacco. Second day program was scheduled on 30.5.19,  a team of doctors from Saveetha Dental College had gone for dental screening and raising awareness for the health consequences of tobacco for the transgender community. Awareness was raised using posters and videos. The crowd was inquisitive and attentive throughout the presentation.

On 31st of May, 2019, the program was celebrated in various public sectors. Five  postgraduate students and fifty under graduates  participated in a human chain formation at Elliot’s beach, Besant Nagar, in association with  Indian Dental Association (Chennai branch) and Adyar Cancer Institute. It consisted of around 500 volunteers joining hands together to spread the awareness on tobacco. We had organised an awareness program during the functioning hours of the college, inside the premises too. The patients visiting the college were given one anti tobacco counselling. Pamphlets were distributed to the patients emphasizing on quitting the habit. Posters demonstrating how tobacco affects our health were explained to the patients.

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day. HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed more than 32 million lives so far. However, with increasing access to effective HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care, including for opportunistic infections, HIV infection has become a manageable chronic health condition, enabling people living with HIV to lead long and healthy lives. There were approximately 37.9 million people living with HIV at the end of 2018.As a result of concerted international efforts to respond to HIV, coverage of services has been steadily increasing. In 2018, 62% of adults and 54% of children living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries were receiving lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART). The theme for 2019 was, “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community” , the theme reminds us that all epidemics are local—and that working together with communities to respond to local needs is the best way to stop the epidemic in its tracks. On the occasion of World AIDS day, the Department of Public Health Dentistry celebrated the day by visiting a home run by SIP Memorial Trust specifically for HIV positive children located in Kolathur, Chennai. As quoted by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”, a book drive donation was organized by the department where the students of the college donated used/new books and it was collected and delivered to the children of  SIP Memorial Trust. The trust as well as the children were very pleased with the gesture and we hope it will cultivate the habit of reading among the underserved children.