2020 - 2021
Algal Biomass as Anti microbial agent
Prevention of ECC among children of low socio economic status
SiC Index in children of Chandigarh
Fear of COVID 19 and OHQRL in Adults
Oral Health Status of Paliyan & Pulayan Tribe - India
Oral health care for disabled people
Trial using Hydrophilic sealants on school children
Microleakage for 2 different pit &Fissure Sealants
2018 - 2019
Dental Caries among school children
Compliance with cigarettes and other tobacco products act 2003
Oral impact on daily performance
CBCT in Pedodontics
Socio behavioural factors and Oral Hygiene
Cynical Hostility and Dental Anxiety
Salivary pH and Herbal Mouthwash
Antibacterial activity of Green Tea
Go Natural, Say no to chemicals
Fluoride concentration in Kanchipuram District
Musculoskeletal disorder among dentists
A trial on Moisture tolerant fluoride releasing sealant
Probiotics and salivary pH
Smoking Dependency among young Chennai population
Dentist’s barrier towards Tobacco cessation practices
2018 - 2019
Aloe Vera - Nature’s healer
Anticariogenic Property of mushroom - Review
Assessment of Parental Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour
Permanent Anterior Teeth Trauma in 8-12 years in Urban and Rural Districts in Haryana…
Inhibitory Effect of Pomegranate oil on Biofilm Formation
Anti Inflammatory activity of Sage Oil
2016 -2017
Knowledge, Behaviour and attitude regarding preventive oral health care among dental students in Saveetha Dental College
Prevalence of dental caries among primary school children in Chennai - A cross sectional study
Measuring the buffering capacity of commercially available soft drinks in India: An in vitro study
Fluoride content in various sources of drinking water in Chennai
Evaluation of Salivary flow rate, pH, buffering capacity, total calcium, protein, and total antioxidant capacity level among caries - free and caries- active children: A Systematic review
Knowledge, attitude and practice about barriers to tobacco intervention services among dental students in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Comparing the effectiveness of vision under low magnification and normal visual examination in detecting dental caries in a dental outreach program in India.
Awareness and Attitude Towards Mass Disaster and Its Management among House surgeons in a Dental College and Hospital in Chennai, India
Assessment of Fluoride Concentration in Ground water in Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.;PID=2017-10-1-63
Assessment of Water Quality and Pollution of Porur, Chembarambakam and Puzhal Lake
Forensic Odontology: Supernumerary Teeth, their importance and a Radiographic study in identifying Supernumerary Teeth
Defluoridation Techniques - A Critical Review
Prevalence of dental caries and treatment needs among school going children in Chandigargh
Dental Caries Experience and treatment needs among 7-17 year old school children in Madurai,Tamil nadu,South India
Knowledge attitude and practice toward preventive dental care among dental professionals in Chennai
Minimally Invasive Treatment of white spot lesions- A Systematic review
Beneficial effects of Solanaceae Towards oral health.
Empathy Levels Among Dental Students in India
Fluoride contamination of bottled drinking water in Chennai, India
Prevalence of Dental Caries among School Children In Chennai
Dental Caries experience and treatment needs among 12 year old school children in Chennai