Inventions & Inventors
Advanced Community Integrated Dental Incubation Centre - Saveetha
Dr.Lalitha., Faculty
Invention - Autobin
Though we have achieved milestones in dentistry using technology, there are few set backs I have personally experienced as a public health dentist. During dental camps, we have experienced instruments shortage when sometimes we had to treat a lot of patients than expected. This had led me thinking into inventing a new device for sterilising in a simpler way. Autobin is a combination of Autoclave and Bin, works under the same principle of Autoclave. for more info, make time to click through any of the links below
Dr.Sushanthi., Post Graduate
invention - flexi scale
The invention basically has been a prime relation to dental tools, and to be in precise, it consists of a cordless ultrasonic dental scaler with a vibrating tip, foldable, battery operated mechanism.The cordless ultrasonic scaler which should contain an actuator material comprising terbium , power supply, control circuitry, tip safer, a water reservoir and a pumping mechanism within the hand piece. The invention is directed to overcoming one or more of the problems as explained above. A piezoelectric stack actuator which drives both the cleaning tip and pumping mechanism.
Dr.Hari., Post Graduate
invention - nano chair
Public health is the back bone of any health care system and dental public health is the same when we take oral health in to consideration. out reach programs are the key to reach people who are in need. the portable dental chair we currently use for camps is not easily portable due to its weight and design constraints. hence I came up with an idea of a novel nano chair concept. Made of high-strength carbon reinforced fibre plastic structure, light weight, stable, comfortable and safe and easy to carry. at this stage of invention and testing it can be declared that the chair can bear up to 100 kgs.
Dr. Mahalakshmi., Post Graduate
A typical problem with which regular users of the rubber dam technique are familiar, is the frequently inadequate retention of the rubber dam on molars. This tension, in turn, can exert such a tug on the rubber dam clamps that, under adverse conditions, the whole rubber dam can spring loose. Use of rubber dams are also contraindicated in cases where the patients have latex allergy and Asthma. Rubber dams can also become cumbersome to use in patients with macroglossia. These circumstances mandate the need to find ways of isolation without the use of rubber dam. This invention is directed at overcoming with above mentioned problems wherein a clamp with modified design can be used without the need for a rubber dam.