First time in the country
MASTERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY -INtegrated with MBA in health care management - 3 YEARS - PG PROGRAM
Get Trained by experts if …
You are Passionate about improving health care in local and global communities
You want to study in an Institution that values bringing together students from different walks of life to reform health care
You are a Dental practitioner / Dental health professional with an urge to reduce oral health inequality
You want to enhance current dental career with research skills and knowledge through rigorous systematic training
our thrust areas in training
Post Graduates would be trained and empowered with hands on exposure as health advocates, with holistic training in Policy, media advocacy and much more. The systematic training would fine tune skills which would help one to transform science and its innovations in to an effective public health policy. Endowment is fundamental to any program or public health intervention, training students in this will make them empowered in three years, so they can not only identify potential donors, but also raise awareness and educate them about rationale behind their proposed endowment. This novel addition in curriculum would open new arenas in terms of profile building and goal setting for future.
building innovative ENTREPRENEURs
Any student will have a dream, desire or creativity of their own. In public health dentistry we strive as a team to transform these primitive instincts in to innovations useful for the community. It doesn’t stop there; an innovation in papers is transformed in to marketable product / instrument in clinical practice; and that is where a leap from a dreamer to an innovative entrepreneur happens.
out reach & Program planning
The team has successfully organised and conducted 1686, out reach and awareness programs, with about 2,91,425 beneficiaries in the last decade. A student enrolling in to the program will have a hands on experience to plan, co ordinate and conduct oral health care programs in conjunction with government schemes like “UBA - Unnat Bharath Abhiyan”; targeting rural India, in house project like “Saveetha Smile Squad”, where in the Post Graduate will work with school children and design preventive programs. Apart from this a post graduate would actively co ordinate with NGO’s like “Rotary”, “Lion’s Club”, “BAI”, “Youth Red Cross” and deliver oral health care for targeted groups.
DUAL DEGREE with MBA in health care MANAGEMENT
A three year post graduate degree in Public Health Dentistry is coupled with integrated MBA in Health Care Management. the dual degree runs for 2 years exclusively and trains the students holistically in applied health care management concepts to improve the scope and wider employability options for the budding public health professionals
Community based participatory research
This approach in training ensures a collective, reflective, systematic approach; that ensures students work along with the research team and community stake holders / beneficiaries. this will ultimately make them to identify their needs and bridge it well with their ongoing research. Every student enrolling in to the PG program will start with a baseline needs analysis, followed by a Systematic review of literature, with the hypothesis arrived analytical research is carried out to answer the hypothesis; which ultimately leads to a trial which is the apex of the process, answering to questions of evidence based practice.
Prevention clinic
“Center for Oral Health Prevention & Promotion”
“Prevention is better than cure” is the mantra of the speciality. here we train them to diagnose, educate, create awareness to prevent the common oral health problems like dental caries, periodontal disease, oral cancer and malocclusion. Students also transform in to a promotive and minimal intervention dentist. A customised oral health education and dietary counselling, sealant and fluoride application, PRR and Minimal Intervention Dentistry are some of the domains under which they would be trained.
structured Tobacco cessation training
Literature has always emphasised considerable knowledge gaps and deficits in practical training in cessation service will affect the quality of treatment outcome. A structured tobacco cessation training is in practice since the year 2005 in the institution. A self sustained team of doctors, students and support staff work selflessly to create a tobacco free society. A three chain referral system ensures patient flow and each patient gets a minimum of 3 follow ups or therapy until they quit the habit. UG/PG student, who gets diligently trained in this system, is sure to perform his duties from the ethical front too…
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our department journals
department accomplishments & ACHIEVEMENTS
Hear it from our alumni
Dr.Rahmath Meeral - Testimonial
Dr.Manali - Testimonial
Dr.mahalakshmi.K - Testimonial
Dr.Zoha Abdullah - Testimonial